Monday, July 19, 2010

மக்கள் தொண்டர்கள்

Latest update after Swiss Bank has agreed to disclose the funds&. Our Indians' Money - 70, 00,000 Crores Rupees In Swiss Bank 1) Yes, 70 lakhs crores rupees of India are lying in Switzerland banks. This is the highest amount lying outside any country, from amongst 180 countries of the world, as if India is the champion of Black Money. 2) Swiss Government has officially written to Indian Government that they are willing to inform the details of holders of 70 lakh crore rupees in their Banks, if Indian Government officially asks them. 3) On 22-5-08, this news has already been published in The Times of India and other Newspapers based on Swiss Government's official letter to Indian Government. 4) But the Indian Government has not sent any official enquiry to Switzerland for details of money which has been sent outside India between 1947 to 2008.. The opposition party is also equally not interested in doing so because most of the amount is owned by politicians and it is every Indian's money. 5) This money belongs to our country. From these funds we can repay 13 times of our country's foreign debt. The interest alone can take care of the Center s yearly budget. People need not pay any taxes and we can pay Rs. 1 lakh to each of 45 crore poor families. 6) Let us imagine, if Swiss Bank is holding Rs. 70 lakh Crores, then how much money is lying in other 69 Banks? How much they have deprived the Indian people? Just think, if the Account holder dies, the bank becomes the owner of the funds in his account. 7) Are these people totally ignorant about the philosophy of Karma? What will this ill-gotten wealth do to them and their families when they own/use such money, generated out of corruption and exploitation? 8) Indian people have read and have known about these facts. But the helpless people have neither time nor inclination to do anything in the matter. This is like "a new freedom struggle" and we will have to fight this. 9) This money is the result of our sweat and blood.. The wealth generated and earned after putting in lots of mental and physical efforts by Indian people must be brought back to our country. 10) As a service to our motherland and your contribution to this struggle, please circulate at least 10 copies of this note amongst your friends and relatives and convert it into a mass .
ஈ மெயில் ஸ்ரீ அனந்தசயனம்

Thursday, July 1, 2010

நூடுல்ஸ் சிக்கல்

DO NOT IGNORE THIS ........ Especially those fond of Maggi......
'CORRECT WAY OF COOKING NOODLES'The correct way to cook instant noodles without harming our bodies and health. `Normally, how we cook the instant noodles is to put the noodles into a pot with water, throw in the powder and let it cook for around 3 minutes and then it's ready to eat.This is the WRONG method of cooking the instant noodles.By doing this, when we actually boil the ingredients in the powder, normally with MSG (Aginomoto), it will change the molecular structures of the MSG causing it to be toxic.The other thing that you may or may not realize is that, the noodles are coated with wax and it will take around 4 to 5 days for the body to excrete the wax after you have taken the noodles.CORRECT METHOD :1. boil the noodles in a pot with water.2. once the noodles is cooked, take out the noodles, and throw away the water which contains wax.3.. boil another pot of water till boiling and put the noodles into the hot boiling water and then shut the fire.4. only at this stage when the fire is off, and while the water is very hot, put the ingredient with the powder into the water, to make noodle soup.5. however, if you need dry noodles, take out the noodles and add the ingredient with the powder and toss it to get dry noodles.Dietician's Note: If you buy plain ha kk a noodles you may initially need to boil it in water and discard the water. This will softenthe noodles, but to prevent it from sticking we need to add a tbsp of oil, also the noodles are deep fried partially to make it crunchy and then dust it with flour to prevent it from sticking while boiling. Hence when you buy the noodles they are already made unhealthy and this is the type we use to make stir fry noodles, and the regular maggi too is made the same way plus they add MSG/ ajinomoto and other chemical preservatives. A large number of patient with the ages ranging from 18-24 years are ending up with pancreatitis either as a swelling or infection of thepancreas due to regular consumption of instant noodles.... If the frequency is more than 3 times a week, then it is very hazardous...Please share this info and help save a life.